Top news around sustainability, packaging, research, science, politics, and much more.

NextGenPaper auf der BIOFACH 2025 in Nürnberg

Auf der Leitmesse für Bio-Lebensmittel wird NextGenPaper vom 11. bis 14. Februar mit einem Stand in Halle 9 vertreten sein und seine Barrierepapiere präsentieren.

NGP-Holding takes over Adesiv GmbH

As of January 1st, 2024, NGP-Holding GmbH has acquired Adesiv GmbH, a renowned specialist supplier of coatings and adhesives based in Weyhe near Bremen, Germany.

NextGenPaper receives positive funding decision

In November 2023, the Federal Office for Economic Affairs and Export Control (BAFA) has certified NextGenPaper GmbH as eligible for public funding.

NextGenPaper enables “Green Deal”

Under the EU circular economy package (“green deal”), put forward in 2018, legally binding targets and timelines for waste recycling and the reduction of landfilling have been defined starting in 2025.

NextGenPaper co-operates with Clarus Films

NGP concludes commercial agreement with Clarus Films launching a creative cooperation with a key German film wholesaler.